Whipped cream in the Thermomix  often poses problems depending on the recipe, yet it is easy to obtain one that will be almost as airy as that which can be obtained with a food processor provided that you follow the instructions carefully. There are three that are particularly important:

  • The choice of crème fraîche, it must be whole with at least 35% fat.
  • The bowl, its lid, the whisk and the crème fraîche must stay in the freezer for at least 20 minutes so that they are very cold when you start adding the cream.
  • The indicated “whipping” time for the cream should not be followed to the letter, it must be adapted (see tips).

There’s nothing like a swirl of whipped cream to perfect a dessert. Indeed, this cream, which is undoubtedly one of the most famous empresses of French delicacy, is unrivaled in creating or accompanying amazing desserts. Ice creams, tarts, waffles, fruit salads, profiteroles, chocolate fondants … would not be the same without a final touch of whipped cream! With this recipe you will feel like you are eating a fresh, soft and sweet cloud. TrickTo put all the chances on your side you can add up to 4 tablespoons of mascarpone to your cream (i.e. 1 tablespoon for 100 grams of cream) especially if it is only 30% fat).TrickBe careful so that your cream does not turn into butter, it is important at step 5 to monitor and stop beating as soon as the desired consistency is reached, it normally takes a few minutes for the preparation to take but the “whipping” time depends on the exact composition of your cream and other factors such as the temperature of your room and that of the Thermomix bowl. So listen (yes, a whipped cream in the Thermomix can be listened to) and monitor! As soon as it no longer makes a “floc floc” sound, be extra vigilant.To be sure that your whipped cream is ready, turn the bowl over, if it does not move, it’s good!TrickIf you need to store your whipped cream, keep it cool in an airtight container so that it does not absorb the odors from your fridge and be sure to consume it quickly (48 to 72 hours maximum). The best thing is to leave the cream directly in a piping bag or a pastry piston.

By lsijk

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