1 kg harina 000
400 cc leche
200 gr azúcar
100 gr manteca
30 gr levadura
2 huevos
Pisca sal
c/n vainilla


  1. When the harina is filled with volcanic and aggregar ingredients, the solids have the liquids, and they can also remove the mass and ligera.
  2. We have a list of the mass, then return it in 25 minutes. The price is 25 centimeters from an inch to 60 to 70 centimeters from a large one to 4 or 5 miles from the outside.
  3. Here we go to the house, aggregating the caramelo from your preference and enróllalo hasta darle forma de pionono. The curtain has espirales of 2 centimeters of ancho y colócalas on an engraved plato. They may be replaced in 20 minutes.
  4. Heat it for 25 minutes at 180°C and then leave the list to remove from fresh air.

By lsijk

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