If you are looking for a dessert that will delight everyone, winning hearts with its striking flavor and irresistible appearance, keep reading and find out how to prepare this incredible square condensed milk pudding. Don’t waste time and let your imagination run wild in the kitchen, trying this delight that will earn a special place in your culinary repertoire.

Now, let’s look at the ingredients and the step-by-step instructions for this square condensed milk pudding, which promises to be the star of your table!



Half a cup of sugar


1 can of condensed milk
The same amount of cow’s milk
4 eggs



First, we start by making our syrup, putting half a cup of sugar in the pan and putting it on low heat and waiting for it to melt completely, after that, pour it into the pudding mold and let it caramelize well.


For the pudding, we take the blender and put the four eggs, can of condensed milk and milk with the same measurement as the can of condensed milk and beat everything for 5 minutes.

We pour the contents of the blender into the caramelized mold and cover the pudding with aluminum foil and place it in the oven at 300 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes in a ‘bain-marie’.

Finally, place the pudding in the refrigerator and leave it for approximately 2 hours. Carefully unmold the pudding and voila, your dessert is ready!

This square condensed milk pudding is super delicious and easy to make, isn’t it?

Square Condensed Milk Pudding
Square Condensed Milk Pudding

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Now that you’ve become an expert in making this square condensed milk pudding, try out different variations, explore your creativity and turn this classic dessert into a true edible work of art. After all, the kitchen is a space for experimentation and discovery, where we can create memorable moments around the table.

We hope this recipe has whetted your appetite and whetted your appetite for adventures in the kitchen. Enjoy this square condensed milk pudding on special occasions or simply to sweeten your day. Whatever the reason, one thing is certain: this dessert will win your heart.

Now it’s your turn! Put on your apron, grab the ingredients and start preparing this delicious treat. Remember to savor every bite of your square condensed milk pudding with pleasure and share your love of good food with those around you.

Enjoy every spoonful and let yourself be carried away by the irresistible flavors of this reinvented classic. Bon appétit!

By lsijk

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