
2 days of the day (when the day is frescoed, wrapped or enlatado, escurrido)
3 huevos
1 cup of leche
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of mantequilla derretida
1/2 pound of three-inch harina
1 cup of horn
Una pizca de sal


Precalienta tu horno a 180°C (350°F) y engrasa ligeramente un molde para pastel.
There is a lot of money, like the other tier, the huevos, the meat, the azúcar and the mantequilla derretida. It has to be cleaned with water and homogeneous.
Agrega the trigo harina, the hornear pulvo and the pizca de sal a la mezcla and the licuadora. New ones have to do with all the ingredients in the country and what they are using.
The mezcal is made into the pastel beforehand.
Hornea in the morning before the meal lasts for 40-45 minutes, or when the pastel is cooked in the superior part and inserted into the centro palillo, it is salty.
We have this list, retira the pastel of the century and the day that se enfríe in the mold Durante unos minutos antides desmoldarlo.

Use the pastel from the background and disfrútalo caliente or a temperatura ambiente.
¡Yahí lo tienes! A delicioso pastel that is mostly in the licuadora, perfect for disfrutar como postre or merienda. ¡Buen provecho!

By lsijk

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